“Most relationships start out with great sex and, over time, issues arise that affect desire. A professional sex therapist is skilled at confronting the reasons or power struggles that may have led to a loss of desire. An expert sex therapist will guide you to achieve your fullest sexual potential as a couple.”

What is sex therapy?

Sex therapy is a specialty in the field of psychotherapy which focuses on addressing specific sexual concerns. Sex therapists address issues of sexual dysfunction which can include:

low sexual desire or unequal interest in sex between partners

sexual arousal issues

performance concerns

inability or difficulty with orgasm

sexual pain disorders

Sex therapists work with clients on issues of sexual identity and questions around their sexual preferences.

What is the difference between a sex therapist and a “regular therapist”?

Sexual knowledge differentiates a Sex Therapist from a “regular therapist”. Sex therapists are first trained as “regular therapists” (such as a marriage and family therapists) and then as sex therapists. Much like a cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in working with hearts, a Sex Therapist is a therapist who specializes in working with sexual issues. The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) is the organization that grants certification for Certified Sex Therapists (CSTs).

With my clients, it usually isn’t about “how to have sex” as you may already know how to do that. What we typically find is there is something in the way of “how to have sex”, be it communication, desire discrepancy, infidelity, etc. That is where we start and how we get to “amazing sexual connection” which is built on trust, respect, vulnerability, and clear communication. Building on relationship fundamentals and creating a solid foundation to work from, we will get to the sex component, but there may be some work for us to get there. Rarely is it a “do this!” fix that will resolve the issues, as everyone is different and responds to different things introduced to the therapy. Our work is to find equilibrium and connection in the therapy process, as long as everyone involved is on the same page.

Does sex therapy work?

Absolutely. When you are ready to make courageous changes with the support and guidance of a trained sex therapist, psychological sexual dysfunctions can be resolved. A skilled therapist will support you in confronting your fears and teach you the necessary steps towards realizing your sexual potential.

How long does sex therapy or couples therapy take?

Typically speaking there is no particular length of therapy. Most of my clients see definite improvement in their relationships or themselves around a few months in. Some of the best work can take longer, depending on the needs of each individual and the relationship. It is all varied by individual and couple, as you are bringing unique issues to the work, and I make sure everyone is safe, empowered, and understands how the process work. It is a building of trust and respect by each of us, and that is not a rushed process. Those who work best in my treatment are ready and willing to “do the work” with themselves and/or each other, and give it the time and space necessary for that work to develop.